PRS™ Program
The Parapet Roof System (PRS™) is a high strength wood system for parapet style roofs that removes the need for parapet bracing in most commercial roof applications. The PRS™ is a solution for all structural elements above plateline. All components of the PRS™ are designed and manufactured by G2 National. This Integrated Offsite Solution (IOSS™) reduces the time and labor required for installation in the field
FOR THE EOR No Deferred Submittals Value Engineering for Your Roof
Complete Design Support for entire PRS™ above plateline without contractual obligation. Pull a permit for the entire structure
G2 will work the Engineer to optimize the roof system on a project by project basis
FOR THE CONTRACTOR No Deferred Submittals Easy installation in the Field Greater Truss Spacing Wall Panels
G2’s upfront design of the roof alleviates the Contractors responsibility to deal with last minute roof submittals
All PRS™ Components screw together in the field requiring less skilled carpentry work
Greater o.c. spacing allows for large roof penetrations and reduces sub-trade coordination
Non-proprietary Wall Panels available on wood framed projects
MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS G2 has manufacturing locations across the US to efficiently ship the PRS™ to jobsites
Parapet Shear Panel (PSP™)